Table of Contents » PDF Downloads

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Here are the primary contents of my three ring binder affectionately known as “the clay bible”. I have been given and collected many many glazes over the years and am sharing these as PDF’s mostly for a sense of history in our field. If I have included your glazes and you would rather not have that information here, please email me and I will remove your PDF’s right away. Images of the artist or places are included to give faces to a name, to give the artist who worked with these glazes, and shared these glazes some well earned credit.

A very special thank you to Val Cushing, whom for year after year shared his knowledge, glaze recipes and experience without hesitation. Thank you to Alec Karros who introduced me to mid range glazing, and many of his glazes I still use today. Many of these glazes are from the Anderson Ranch Glazes book – one of the best collections of glazes ever, thank you to Doug Casebeer for keeping this tradition.

If I have included your information by mistake, incorrectly, or you have information of your own to add, please be in touch.

Please be responsible for all of the clay, glazes and techniques that you use. Safety is YOUR responsibility no matter where you get the information.